The Future Outlook of Planet Earth

Wed, Aug 31, 2022

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Although it's easy to get wrapped up in local politics, issues and challenges every country faces are more similar than they are different. We are all weighted down by debt, deal with extreme heat and the effects that has on crops, water shortges due to drought, experience varing degrees of civil unrest and might be overwealmed with the prospect of the implications for the future of our planet. It appears grim, but a light is emerging for a "new world order" - just as every other transistion to a reimagined way to exist - our species has expereinced.

The Future Outlook of Planet Earth

The theme that the internet has flattened the world, made it more accessible for the layman to conduct commerce with his peers in any nation and clime, created a lens into the sometimes chaotic events each might be experiencing or giving access to education that would be otherwise be out of reach - we can assert that the effects of the World Wide Web has reconstituted how we perceive opportunities available to us, and this hypothesis is consistent for the entire human species.

Scarcity vs Abundance in Wealth

The amount of debt that is carried by several nations on earth makes it seemingly infeasible, under the guise of innovation, to ever becoming solvent again.

Artificial Intelligence, or Ai, is already mature enough that it could displace millions of jobs. With blockchain technologies, the accuracy of digital ledgers and inclusion of multiple parties on one ledger - in both public and private ledgers, and the tooling that can be built around the ledger for an assortment of regulatory and reporting purposes greatly reduces the requirement for an expansion of the workforce furthermore. Robotics, also, further displace people in the work force. This equates to job scarcity. Job scarcity equates to income insecurity. We can not predict what a new normal will be, only that there can be one.

A previous blog post addresses how society might choose to coordinate the efficiencies these technologies add to our operations by making these innovations a strength to the fabric of society as opposed to weakening it.

The Great Reset

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”

The Great Reset Transformation Map Image: World Economic Forum

This idea of a “great reset” is a concept that makes sense to setting the foundation for the future of humanity. It’s apparent that The World Economic Forum has put a great deal of thought into categorizing actionable agendas. Our responsibility to be good stewards of this plant and to discover the synergies that accelerate us to an “Age of International Enlightenment” is paramount.

We are at a chasm and it requires a reckoning.

Scarcity vs Abundance in Food

Food scarcity in it’s extreme is natures inability to sustain the levels of production the explosion of the human population has placed on the environment, and that should frighten us. Famine is not a condition that humans all deal with on the same level, we are not the only species that competes for nutrients. Famine, unaddressed, could worsen. It doesn’t take a very vivid imagination to imagine what that kind of world would be like.

Reality is, however, such - that being resourceful and creative, urban farming designs that yield enough food for their population would provide enough sustenance that reliance on natural farming techniques would diminish, but urban farming is hardly a complete replacement model as not all crops are fit to be indoors and crop rotation creates healthy organic matter that in turn contribute to nutrient rich soils.

A protein rich diet including meat might likely include meat produced from stem cells, in a lab. This food production technique should be encouraged because in the probability of eventualities earth’s ecosystem will not be very biodiverse. In the event of mass extension of wildlife our livelihoods and quality of life could be solely dependent upon indoor farming techniques and meats grown from stem-cells.

In Conclusion

There is a Red Sea strategy and Blue Sea strategy we can go forward with. A Red Sea strategy is cutthroat competition, dog eats dog - a Blue Sea strategy is unknown market space, unexplored and uncontested. One is the story of our humanities past, and the other, opportunities that exist if we design abundance into the foundations of civilization.

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