

Community is everything. Commitment to ones-self and each-other is what has kept the spirit alive for millennia. Once you realize what your acestors accomplished you will forvever be indebted to the honor they shepherd upon us all.


Jesus. Horus. The most famous and well known Trinity characters. Education and enlightenment are very import to us. Acknowledging any and all influences empower us to forgo tarnishing any culture. We seek only to create the ideal dialoge that fosters the spirit of reaching the purest truth.


A sustainable future is based on an understanding of ecosystem services, the study of relationships between social hierarchy and their geographical location. What flourishes where and how it flourishes are a matter of choice and careful consideration for nature and communities.

Direct sourcing

We want to empower the communities that worked tirelessly to adopt the beleifs we hold nearest. You can see the communities grow and learn more about this exciting new revelation as this message takes hold in this new millennia.


We will reinvest 20% of our profits into farms, local businesses and schools everywhere we experience significant growth. Learn more as we delve into the depths of our aspirations in our blog.