Wed, Sep 25, 2013
Read in 3 minutes
We’re proud to announce the launch of Good Faith Paradigm. Good Faith Paradigm is the culmination of several generations marked by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, the opening of a window, ushering in a new chapter at the beginning of the third millennia.
The mission of Good Faith Paradigm is to bring all religions under one umbrella through a common thread and to bridge science and religion.
Jason had a near death experience in 2000. It was a profound experience that immersed an eternity that words fail to accurately describe. It was the first time he ever accepted the separation between the physical and spiritual worlds.
In 2000 and 2001, Jason was encouraged by his sister Kristi to get involved in the electronic music dance scene. Jason, Kristi and Casey promoted two events, Destination Unknown and Above Ground.
Sometime in 2004, in Dallas, opportunity and fate would meet and 2005 would unknowingly usher in a world of philosophical, mathematical and spiritual wonder.
In 2004 after finishing up a recording arts degree from Dallas Sound Lab at the Las Colinas Movie Studios he started attending Westwood College of Technology for multi-media. It was during this time that he and Zach crossed paths.
Zach was attending Westwood for Architectural AutoCad, he is an Army veteran with a lofty non-profit vision. Zach envisioned Good Faith Paradigm to be a non-profit veteran rehabilitation reintegration project. It was and still is a very good project.
Jason had an idea for a non-profit project called Recreation and Recovery. Recreation and Recovery was a recovery program to encourage the adoption of healthy habits with community support to keep ourselves and our peers inspired and motivated, even if falling off the wagon every now and then, hence the term - Recreation and Recovery. (An emphasis on recreational activity, not the lesser desired trait - and muscle recovery.)
In 2011 Jason learned about a new age philosophy. 11:11. This revelation started a spiritual journey that uncovered several additional metaphoric and symbolic synchronicities related to Christianity and other religious doctrines. After identifying this collection of information, there was a sense of manifest destiny associated with these patterns that was discovered. With the task of describing what was gleaned from this research late in 2012 - the first summary and the Eight Newfound Revelations were written. Although there was a reluctance to use the name Good Faith Paradigm, Zach had asked Jason to design a card and in 2013 a perfect opportunity arose that felt right to do so. Jason had gone to California to seek out a call. Following inner guidance from a stimulus that turned out to be significantly more rewarding than he could have imagined, the Good Faith Paradigm card was designed by the end of 2013.
Over the course of the next year, more scientific symbology and metaphors became apparent in the collection of assets that was being amassed. This was complimentary to the religious and spiritual symbology that was discovered the past years. The primary design card was intentionally created with natural phenomena to compliment poetry he had written called Eternal Life, so it wasn’t too far a stretch of imagination before all the other metaphors made sense.
In 2014 another trip to California would see the Golden Plates manifest.
It’s worth noting that each of these creations had no intentional use other than the one at hand. The way these elements, what have come to be referred to as the “Harps of God,” the cards, and the Golden Plates, work together, is a stroke of good luck or divine guidance.
With the entertainment events respectively - the Golden Plates brought about a continuation of putting forth values that sparked his ambition in the first place.