Sun, Oct 31, 2021
Life is full of it's highs and lows, but sometimes, even in the mist of the most heart wrenching moments there is a glimmer of the eternal. It is in this glimmer that we are given a glimpse at gods presence in the middle of it all. We are given a reassurance that our conscious awareness is real and our faith has meaning.
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Mon, Oct 5, 2020
There are both nefarious and less advert entertainment oriented use cases for generating Ai media. Both image and motion picture formats. Both uses have the potential to effect the psychology of it's viewers. Because of this, we propose a labeling system to separate the release of official media from any potential deep fake counter parts. Consumers must be able to properly recognize and process verified content they are viewing. IPFS could be a front runner in storing the content.
Mon, Sep 21, 2020
Renewing healthy cycles helps us maintain long-term goals cleansing the soul, recycling our spiritual aspirations. The seasons change: the leaves fall and decay, depending on our latitude from the equator - frost starts to permeate the ground before being blanketed in winter wonderland.
Mon, Sep 7, 2020
A decadent healthy salmon lettuce wrap. Great for anyone on the go with minimal cook and prep time, yet full of healthy Omega-3 fat, protein and other essiental vitimins and nutrients. Lettuce wraps are good and salmon sits up there as one of our all time favorites.